As a financial advisor, I spend most of my day helping individual families and small businesses manage their financial lives. That includes creating budgets, managing debt, planning for savings goals like college, a second home, a business startup, retirement, and more. We make sure their insurance coverage is right for them, that they have emergency savings, and that their estate needs are taken care of.
Over the years as an advisor, however, I’ve noticed that there are many people who just don’t want to work with an advisor.
Either you’ve been burned by one before (and I’ve seen a lot of that, sadly), are trying to keep your costs down, don’t think you can afford one or have the assets to justify one (that’s not true), or just enjoy learning about money and want to do it yourself.
So my “day job”, as CEO of nVest Advisors is to help people of every income bracket who want a relationship with a financial professional, and Think Like A Rich Guy is for those of you who don’t.
Plus, in this blog, I can delve deeper into subjects that I see confront my everyday clients as much as everyone else:
- scarcity (and even poverty) mindsets
- behavioral mistakes with money like confirmation and recency biases
- the social urge to “keep up with the Joneses”
- a general feeling that they can’t really succeed as big as they can dream
- cynicism with and confusion about the political and economic systems in which we all participate, etc.
So you’ll find a mixture of articles here: practical “if I had to do it myself” product and service suggestions, studies on various money/mind dynamics, sound economic and investing advice, and very soon, a podcast, free and low-cost webinars on specific topics, a community forum for success and a mastermind class that will walk you through how to create your own professional financial and investing plan, step by step.
It’s a lot of ground to cover, so I’ve broken it down by broad subject categories that you can see in the drop-down menu under “Articles”. You can browse by category (such as “Invest Like a Rich Guy”, or search for specific subjects).
Here’s what you can do to get started:
- Join our email list. This will keep you informed of new posts (we send a “digest” of new articles once a week). We won’t spam the hell out of you like many other blogs do, and we’ll never sell, trade, or give away your information to anyone.
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