How much do I need to start investing?

Small Steps, Big Returns: Investing on a Budget Over the nearly 20 years that I’ve been an investment advisor and financial planner for working families from a variety of backgrounds, one of the biggest reasons I hear that people haven’t started investing yet is that they don’t have a lot of money. Many people believe […]

Understanding Inflation

Inflation, the insidious thief of purchasing power, is a topic that often sparks anxiety among investors and everyday consumers alike. As a financial advisor, it’s my duty to demystify this complex economic phenomenon and equip you with the knowledge to safeguard your financial future. What is Inflation? In its simplest terms, inflation is the rate […]

The Marshmallow Test: A Lesson in Delayed Gratification for Investors

How giving kids a marshmallow successfully predicted their success later in life. In the 1960s, a groundbreaking psychological experiment was conducted at Stanford University. The experiment, now famously known as the Marshmallow Test, involved offering young children a simple choice: they could either eat one marshmallow immediately or wait a short period and receive two […]

Motivation Monday – May 15, 2023

“Success is not a destination to reach; it is a journey to embrace. Embrace the challenges, learn from the failures, and persist with unwavering determination, for within the journey lies the true essence of success.” – ChatGPT providing its own motivational quote at our request

Don’t be fooled: markets often rally right as a recession starts

The Correlation Between Late Market Rallies and the Start of Recessions The relationship between late market rallies and the onset of recessions has been a subject of interest and analysis among economists and investors. The stock market is often considered a leading indicator of economic health, and the occurrence of late market rallies just before […]

Confirmation Bias will stop your personal growth in its tracks

In the field of economics and finance, I’ve encountered a number of common behaviors in many of my clients, from moderately successful ones all the way down the line to the very poorest. Cognitive biases are ways our minds fool and soothe us – to perceive pain and pleasure, effort and reward, safety and risk, […]

Motivation Monday – May 8, 2023

One of the best historical quotes about accepting reality comes from the ancient philosopher Epictetus, who said, “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” This quote emphasizes the importance of accepting reality and focusing on how we respond to it, rather than trying to change the things that […]

Daily Macro Journal – April 24-25, 2024

This daily economic journal is written in conjunction with weekly economics updates for our investment clients at nVest Advisors, LLC, It is copyright and may not be republished in whole or in part without written permission.  This information is also not financial advice, nor a solicitation to do business with me as a financial advisor, […]

How Rich Guys protect their investments during a recession

As the old adage goes, “The only constant in life is change.” This holds true for the financial markets as well. Cycles of economic growth and recession are a natural part of any economy, and the savvy investor (whether that’s the Rich Guy or the asset manager the Rich Guy is smart enough to hire) […]

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