The Marshmallow Test: A Lesson in Delayed Gratification for Investors

How giving kids a marshmallow successfully predicted their success later in life. In the 1960s, a groundbreaking psychological experiment was conducted at Stanford University. The experiment, now famously known as the Marshmallow Test, involved offering young children a simple choice: they could either eat one marshmallow immediately or wait a short period and receive two […]

Confirmation Bias will stop your personal growth in its tracks

In the field of economics and finance, I’ve encountered a number of common behaviors in many of my clients, from moderately successful ones all the way down the line to the very poorest. Cognitive biases are ways our minds fool and soothe us – to perceive pain and pleasure, effort and reward, safety and risk, […]

Pressing the Reset Button

As the editor and owner of Think Like A Rich Guy, I’m really glad our readers have been patient with the slow pace of growth of this website. I’ll explain the delays briefly, but spend more of this post telling you instead where we are going with it. TLRG began its life in mid-2017 as […]

Motivation Monday 10-9-17

“God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.” – Voltaire

The Wisdom of Solomon: Give it all you’ve got.

As is true for many other aspects of our lives, the Bible has significant lessons about money, wealth and success. Many of these come from the life story and teachings of King Solomon, the son and successor of the Israel’s first king, David. Solomon is said to have been the wisest, and by no coincidence the […]

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