Monday Motivation – April 1, 2019

“True happiness comes from deeds well done, the zest of creating things new. ~ Antoine du Saint-Exupery
The Founding Four, Part 3 of 9: How and Where to Save

This is part 3 of a 9-part series about the Founding Four principles of your financial plan. Part 1 introduced you to the four critical activities you need to work on as the basis for every financial plan, and Part 2 introduced you to the first of the four principles, Saving. Here in Part 3, […]
The Wisdom of Solomon: Give it all you’ve got.

As is true for many other aspects of our lives, the Bible has significant lessons about money, wealth and success. Many of these come from the life story and teachings of King Solomon, the son and successor of the Israel’s first king, David. Solomon is said to have been the wisest, and by no coincidence the […]
Tips for getting your business off the ground

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is an exclusive guest article by blogger, small business owner and personal trainer Jason Lewis. Be sure to check out Jason’s website and contact him directly here. We love Jason’s passion for fitness and personal success, and you will, too. When starting a business, you have a lot of considerations to make, and […]
Monday Motivation – April 3

“Concentrate all your thoughts on the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought into a focus.” – Alexander Graham Bell
Motivation Monday

“All wealth is the product of labor” – John Locke