The Marshmallow Test: A Lesson in Delayed Gratification for Investors

How giving kids a marshmallow successfully predicted their success later in life. In the 1960s, a groundbreaking psychological experiment was conducted at Stanford University. The experiment, now famously known as the Marshmallow Test, involved offering young children a simple choice: they could either eat one marshmallow immediately or wait a short period and receive two […]
Motivation Monday – May 15, 2023

“Success is not a destination to reach; it is a journey to embrace. Embrace the challenges, learn from the failures, and persist with unwavering determination, for within the journey lies the true essence of success.” – ChatGPT providing its own motivational quote at our request
Don’t be fooled: markets often rally right as a recession starts

The Correlation Between Late Market Rallies and the Start of Recessions The relationship between late market rallies and the onset of recessions has been a subject of interest and analysis among economists and investors. The stock market is often considered a leading indicator of economic health, and the occurrence of late market rallies just before […]
Motivation Monday 2-4-2019

“No more excuses. Just begin.” – Jeremy Torgerson
Rich Guy Review: “How to Make Sh*t Happen”

Author: Sean Whalen (c) 2018 by the author Get it here and support TLRG. Bottom Line: Edgy “get-er-done” motivation book with a rough outline of an action plan to move forward in your life. To hear Sean Whalen tell it, he’s reached the peaks of business success, lost it all during the sub-prime mortgage […]
Rich Guy Review: “The Money Code”

Author: H.W. Charles (c) 2012 by the author Get it here and support TLRG. Bottom Line: A short-and-sweet, 70-page look at seven principles from Jewish holy writings about success and prosperity that anyone can adapt and let loose in their own life. Complete with actionable steps and recommended ways to implement each principle. Why […]
Monday Motivation – May 7, 2018

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7
Monday Motivation: November 27, 2017

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” – Jim Rohn
Motivation Monday 10-9-17

“God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.” – Voltaire
The Wisdom of Solomon: Give it all you’ve got.

As is true for many other aspects of our lives, the Bible has significant lessons about money, wealth and success. Many of these come from the life story and teachings of King Solomon, the son and successor of the Israel’s first king, David. Solomon is said to have been the wisest, and by no coincidence the […]